Contact For Bangladesh Malaysia Courier

Attention International Courier Service Shipper, Consignee, Courier Agents: For free Consultancy for International Courier Service in Bangladesh or worldwide Please contact Yakub Call/Whats App/We Chat +88 01880000016

Monday 14 August 2017

Bangladesh Malaysia Bangladesh Courier

We send courier of ready made garments from Bangladesh to Malaysia and fabrics accessories from Malaysia to Bangladesh.

There are huge Malaysia people work and stay in Bangladesh. Some Bangladesh people also stay in Malaysia. There are business between Bangladesh and Malaysia.

If you send courier from Bangladesh to Malaysia or from Malaysia to Bangladesh, we can offer you the best service and lowest cost.

Please call or whats app Yakub JHM Express +8801880000016

Thursday 10 August 2017

Bangladesh Malaysia Special Courier Rates

Please call +8801880000016 Phone/SMS/Whats App Yakub JHM for pick up

Bangladesh Malaysia Special Courier Rate
0.5 8 650
0.5 9.50 775
1 14.50 1175
1.5 19.50 1575
2 24.50 1975
2.5 29.50 2375
3 34.50 2775
3.5 39.50 3175
4 44.50 3575
4.5 49.50 3975
5 54.50 4375

Please call +8801880000016 Phone/SMS/Whats App Yakub JHM for pick up

Saturday 5 August 2017

Bangladesh Malaysia or Malaysia Bangladesh Courier Service

We offer Bangladesh Malaysia and Malaysia Bangladesh direct air courier service.

For Bangladesh Malaysia Courier Service we send from Dhaka to to Kuala Lumpur directly for delivery in to Malaysia and also for distribution to Asia Europe USA and Canada.

For Malaysia Bangladesh Courier Service, we pick up from Malaysia and send to Kuala Lumpur for air freight to Dhaka.

For Guaranteed Lowest Rate For Bangladesh Malaysia or Malaysia Bangladesh Courier Service Please Contact Yakub Call/SMS/Whats App/We Chat: +8801880000016

Monday 31 July 2017

Bangladesh Malaysia Best Courier

JHM Air Express offers express courier service from Bangladesh to Malaysia and from Malaysia to Bangladesh with guaranteed lowest price.

Bangladesh workers in Malaysia can send something to their family in Bangladesh or their family can send something from Bangladesh to Malaysia by our cheap courier service.
From Malaysia you can send SMS or whats app. I will then inform our Malaysian office to contact you.

Contact us +8801880000016